Tuesday, September 17, 2013

What To Avoid When Choosing A Deodorant

When looking for a deodorant, one of the first things people might do is glance at the list of ingredients. There have been many reports about the possible harmful effects of certain things used in deodorants and many health conscious consumers have started to make a conscious effort to avoid them when possible. After all, when you hear something like deodorants cause cancer, it certainly catches your attention.

Before getting into a list of things you might want to avoid, it should be noted that most experts agree that deodorant use is relatively safe. There is no conclusive evidence that certain chemicals used in deodorant products are directly responsible for any adverse health effects. What is known is that these ingredients have shown an ability to cause serious diseases due to certain attributes they demonstrate. In addition, while there is no direct evidence to say that chemicals in deodorants cause cancer, there isn't any to say otherwise either. It sounds a bit wishy-washy, but it really comes down to a person's own way of thinking. Both sides of the argument use the same train of thought. Experiments have shown a correlation between the two, that is a fact. However, one side argues that other factors unrelated to deodorant chemicals are not considered in those studies so how can any conclusion be made with certainty. The other side says the same thing. Who is to say it isn't? Is it just a mere coincidence?

Aluminum (Aluminum Chlorohydrate, Aluminum Zircronium) - A chemical salt used to prevent perspiration. It gets dissolved in sweat and forms a protective layer which blocks sweat glands and prevents sweat from being secreted onto the surface of the skin. Aluminum has been linked to Alzheimer's disease as well as kidney and liver damage.

Parabens (Methyl, Butyl, Ethyl, etc) - Used as both a preservative and antibacterial, parabens have been linked specifically to the development of breast cancer. A study done in the UK sampled 20 tissue specimens taken from breast cancer tumors. 18 of the samples contained higher than normal amounts of parabens. Parabens are known to have estrogen like effects on cells. Estrogen is a primary cause of breast cancer development.

Triclosan - An antibacterial additive to many hygiene products. Triclosan is classified as a pesticide by the FDA and a possible carcinogen by the EPA. It is also thought to cause skin irritations and rash in about 15% of deodorant users.

Phthalates - A group of chemicals used in deodorants that help to maintain consistency. It works to make the other ingredients more cohesive. Phthalates are thought to cause an increase in birth defect chances due to cell mutation.

 In closing, if you're looking for a healthier deodorant or a deodorant alternative all together, make sure to steer clear of anything that contains one or more of the ingredients listed above. Again, it is not proven 100% that these chemicals in deodorant use cause serious health problems, however it might be wise to err on the side of caution... just in case.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

How Chlorophyll Helps To Eliminate Body Odor

One of our previous articles talked about a product called Body Mint and how it works to reduce odor.  We had several questions asking us if chlorophyll really does work to remove body odor (as well as breath and foot odor).  It is hard to imagine that a green substance from plants could work as a deodorant, but there have been several studies to show it does exactly that.  In fact, there isn't a single person who has studied chlorophyll that would say it doesn't work to reduce odor in some capacity.

Chlorophyll has been used as far back as the 1950s as a means to reduce odor.  It was first used to treat fecal and urine odors by doctors in hospitals.  One doctor in particular by the name of Franklin Westcott was using chlorophyll as a means to treat anemia patients and began noticing that it also reduced urine odor.  This led him to theorize that it could also work on everyday body and breath odors.  He conducted an experiment using an osmoscope and volunteers from his hospital.  He would have them use chlorophyll after bathing, and 24 hours later would take body odor readings using the osmoscope.  His findings showed that chlorophyll was able to reduce body odor anywhere from half to completely.  He then repeated the experiment using onion juice as a test on breath odor.  Onions contain high amounts of sulfide compounds which are the same compounds produced by oral bacteria.  His findings were similar to that of the body odor test. 

Future studies were able to determine that in order for chlorophyll to be used effectively, a certain dosage requirement was needed.  Researches found that between 100mg - 300mg of chlorophyll was required for any type of deodorant action to occur.  It was noted that 75mg was insufficient a quantity and resulted in no odor reduction.

Skeptics often reference an interview by Dr. John Kephart who said that no deodorant properties could be achieved through commercial chlorophyll products due to insufficient amounts of chlorophyll.  He noted that in order for it to be effective, large doses must be given internally.

That is true in the sense that he was referring to gums, sprays, powders and the like.  The amount of chlorophyll contained in those products was minimal.  Anyone ever heard of Chlorets?

However, as a dietary supplement, the required quantity is available.  A typical chlorophyll supplement pill has anywhere from 60mg - 100mg per tablet.  In the case of Body Mint, one pill contains 100mg and the recommended daily dosage is 2 tablets per day.  This meets both the quantity requirement as well as the fact that it is an internal dosage. 

To summarize, chlorophyll is indeed both a powerful and effective deodorant treatment.  It works internally by absorbing odor compounds before they are released from the body.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Natural Ways to Reduce Body Odor

In addition to deodorants, there are several things that you can do to help reduce body odor.  Much of what causes body odor is related to both internal and external factors which are in your power to control or at least regulate.  Deodorants work to stop the body from smelling by controlling bacteria and sweat.  Focusing on other ways of reducing both of those as well as addressing internal factors will help to alleviate any concerns. 

Stopping sweat can be a difficult task.  Sweat is natural and a way for the body to remove toxins as well as keep it cool.  Blocking this natural process can do more harm than good.  Typically deodorants use aluminum compounds to accomplish this.  It gets dissolved by sweat and forms a barrier over sweat glands to stop it from being released onto the skin.  While effective for preventing body odor, you could imagine some of the downsides.

Natural methods to reduce sweat include clothing type, relaxation techniques, baking soda/baby powder and changes in diet. 

Restrictive clothing causes the body to heat up faster.  Try wearing loser fitting clothes and/or clothes that use fabrics that allow air to pass through more freely. 

Stress can cause the body to sweat.  Taking steps to relax, especially in times of great stress will help.  Yoga, exercise, breath techniques and time to yourself are great stress reducing methods to consider.

Baking soda and baby powder are great products for absorbing perspiration.  They don't prevent sweat however.  In addition, certain plants such as sage tea and turnip juice are known to have an effect on sweat glands.  They reduce the activity of these glands and cause them to sweat less. 

Spicy foods, coffee, garlic and anything high in caffeine are known to cause increased sweating.  Obviously these are great things to eat, but limiting the amount you consume on a regular basis can also help to alleviate overly perspiring.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Chemcial Free Deodorant: Body Mint

By now many of us are aware of the reports that aluminum in deodorants could have a possible link to breast cancer in women.  The idea stems for the hypothesis that shaving the underarms open micro abbrasions in the skin.  As deodorant is applied and left on for hours at a time, chemcials contained in these deodorants are absorbed into the body and accumulate over time.  Studies have shown that certain chemcials like aluminum based compounds were found in the tissues of breast tumors. 

This is a scary thought.  Not only because it's dealing with breast cancer, but also because the possible cause is a product that millions if not billions of people use every day.  Does preventing body odor really have to come at a price?  The answer is no.

Body Mint is an aluminum free deodorant in the form of a pill.  It's made from natural chlorophyll and doesn't contain any harmful compounds or chemicals.  It works internally to remove body odor, bad breath and foot odor by absorbing the compounds that cause those odors. 

Before you laugh, consider the science behind it.  Body Mint's active ingredient is a proprietary chlorophyllin formula.  Doing any amount of research will reveal that chlorophyllin has been used by medicial professionals for decades to treat various odors in patients.

Body Mint is already sold around the world and has been featured on CNN as well as the NY Times, LA Times, Fortune, USA Today and numerous other national publications.  It's definitely worth checking out and highly recommended for those looking for a healthier way to stay odor free.